Natural Resource Evaluations

It requires a clear understanding of the physical properties and spatial distribution of soil, rock and mineral resources to allow for them to be identified, permitted and utilized beneficially. The Wallace Group’s extensive expertise in the geosystems of the Pacific Northwest allows us to provide comprehensive resource evaluations and permitting support for mining operations, as well as post-closure restoration services. These services are supported with aerial surveys and our A2LA-accredited laboratory capabilities to provide pertinent natural resource information to clients for use in business planning and operations.

Natural Resource Evaluations

As part of our consulting practice, the Wallace Group leads project teams, including certified soil scientists, to map and evaluate non-productive exclusive farm use (EFU) lands for potential redevelopment opportunities. Working with Oregon’s land-use laws to meet future growth and development needs requires a multi-disciplinary team of legal and scientific experts. Through these relationships and expertise, we are poised to help address Oregon’s future growth and land-use development requirements.